September 06, 2013


Relationships can be funny things. So many of the people that we once knew are no longer around in our lives. I tend to think about my old friends from elementary school a lot. They were really all I had growing up, and I still miss them to this day. I always imagined us hanging out together until we were old and grey, reminiscing about all the good ol' days of life. It's strange how it seems like everyone has changed so much from the outside looking in, but really maybe they haven't so much? But what do I really know. 
I had two guy friends that I had known from preschool to high school but then they just both seemed to go their own ways, leaving me behind. For a while I felt totally isolated and alone. I had literally no one to hang out with and just spent my time people watching in the halls. It's never as much fun by yourself let me tell ya. I thought for the longest time that this was all I was going to be doing for the rest of my high school days but it ended up not being that way in the end. I made quite a few new friends at the school and by senior year I had a whole new form of confidence that I never thought I would have. I'm not saying that I ran for student body president or anything like that. But I learned about many different groups in school that I never thought I'd be a part of in a million years. 
I ended up joining stage craft in drama. It was a lot of fun and I gained so many new and amazing friends. I had a ton of fun learning about the different aspects of the craft and how the whole process went together so seamlessly. It opened up so many new doors for me my senior year and it let me experience a ton of new things. I got to work as a prop girl backstage on three different plays and see how the actors worked on perfecting their lines. I got to go on many different trips and just try out so many amazingly cool things. Overall it was an awesome journey for me to go on and I wouldn't change it for the world because it altered how I looked at school and all the different doors that can open for someone like me. 
Overall, I think that all of my relationships that I've had through the years have been really special to me. Sure, I do miss some of them and wish that I could go back to that space in time again. When I do look back on all of the people that have helped me in my life I do feel incredibly grateful and blessed to have known them all. Some more than others. haha. But they helped to shape me into the unique individual that I am, and I do mean unique. :) Memories are really important to me and I do tend to dwell on the past a bit much but I think that being sentimental can be a good thing every once and a while. I know it makes me happy, so why not? Right. 

On a side note, this song has been amazing at putting a smile on my face this week! 

 Until later,

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