October 08, 2012

Long time no see.

I haven't been posting on here much because well... I forgot about it to be honest. I don't think about posting on a blog like this one much. It takes a lot more time than tumblr and no one is usually reading a blog like this. So yeah. I have been on tumblr for the most part. I don't think it makes too much of a difference whether I post on this blog or not. So yeah.
Anyways, I haven't been up to much as far as life goes. Just hanging out at home with no one. I don't know what to write about on here at the moment. I just wanted to write something since I haven't been on in so long! But yeah, other than that I don't have much. :/
I've gotten back into The Three Stooges as of late and have seen all of the Curly shorts now. It's a bit sad though, I have seen them all. I really like Curly because he just seemed like such an interesting human being to me. I got a book about him that his niece Joan Howard wrote which is a really great read. And the photographs are wonderful. Love it. I'm glad that I got it.

That's all I can think of to write as of now, so yeah. Until next time. (which may be in a few months..haha)


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